Greater Manchester Funeral Service Ltd 0161 681 1864
Greater Manchester Funeral Service Ltd 0161 681 1864

Our charges to you

Our charges vary depending on your requirements. These will be explained fully at your first consultation with us.


A traditional funeral leaving from your home address with traditional coffin will cost £3000.00. This would comprise of the transfer of your loved one from the place of death to our private chapel of rest (during business hours). Visits to our chapel of rest up until the day of the funeral (during office hours). Our professional attention and guidance during the funeral arrangements. Also liaison with clergy, cemetery/crematorium, and consultation with the medical profession or coroners officers in connection with cremation certificates or burial authorisation. The supply of our Clarke veneered oak coffin, one hearse & pallbearers. And of course your family will receive a 100% personal, caring, dignified funeral service on the funeral day.


The price shown above is excluding disbursemnets (fees paid out on your behalf), and the following are not included. These will be added if required:


 Cemetery or cremation charges

 Embalming and preparation treatment 

Clergy and/or church fees

The use of our 7 seater limousines

 Cremtion paperwork charges 

 Floral tributes

 A Horse drawn carriage. 

 Press notices 


 Soloist singer or Organist

 Lone piper or Jazz band.




A full written estimate will be provided to the person making the funeral arrangements prior to the day of the funeral. This will show our charges and details of the disbursements (fees paid on your behalf). After confirming the arrangements, all estimates agreed and accepted must be paid in full before any professional services are undertaken. Any additions or extras will be finalised after the funeral.


The funeral invoice can be paid by cash, cheque, card payment or bank transfer.



What are Disbursements?

Disbursements are fees paid out on your behalf. These include doctors’ fees, crematoria/cemetery fees, church fees and newspaper announcements. Our written estimate will show these disbursements. As we have no control over these charges, there may be variations in the final account.



All Clients, Please Note

Due to the costs charged by outside organisations such as cemeteries, church's etc., we request that family members try to assist us in maintaining the low cost of our funerals by making payments in line with the estimate given.

This requested payment will be required within 24 hours of making the arrangements and signing the estimate provided. Any additional charges can be paid after the funeral has been conducted, and any overpayments will be refunded in full.

A claim for assistance from the Social Fund can only be made if the applicant is the next of kin to the deceased, a close friend or a partner living in the same household, and is receiving one of the following qualifying benefits: Council Tax Benefit, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Family Tax Credit. This applies to the applicant only, not the deceased.

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© Greater Manchester Funeral Service